SURABAYA - The candidate for mayor of Pasuruan, Saifullah Yusuf alias Gus Ipul, is leading temporarily based on quick calculations. The former Deputy Governor of East Java asked all supporters to make this victory a momentum for change as well as improvement for the City of Pasuruan.

"While what is not good, we will make changes. For me, the mandate given to me and Mas Adi is very clear. There are still a lot of homework to find solutions to solve," said Gus Ipul, Thursday, December 10.

From the existing real count data, Gus Ipul - Mas Adi almost got around 70 percent of the vote. That proves that Gus Ipul - Mas Adi won absolutely in four districts.

"The data is real. It is data from each polling station that we input and shows a very significant vote acquisition," he said.

Gus Ipul expressed his gratitude to the people of Pasuruan City for their extremely high participation.

"I also thank the party leaders and supporters. Thank you volunteers, sympathizers who have worked well. I am honestly very moved," he said.

He was deeply moved because the team of volunteers delivered their best to the public regarding the vision and mission of Gus Ipul - Mas Adi regarding the concept of Pasuruan, the city of Madinah (advanced economy, beautiful city, and harmony of its citizens).

"I ask all teams, volunteers and sympathizers to immediately return to their respective places, to be grateful for the results of the elections in the midst of this pandemic," said Gus Ipul.

Gus Ipul reminded sympathizers and volunteers not to overdo this victory. Don't be in a convoy, let alone create an event that creates a large crowd. "To be grateful for this victory with positive things or with something that has greater benefits," he said.

Meanwhile, the Gus Ipul - Mas Adi candidate pair wiped out the vote acquisition in four sub-districts. Starting from Panggungrejo, Bugul Kidul, Purworejo, and Gadingrejo. From the real count data obtained, Gus Ipul - Mas Adi won by winning big votes.

Gus Ipul - Mas Adi got nearly 70 percent of the votes. Meanwhile, Teno - Hasjim received 30 percent of the votes. In Panggungrejo District, Gus Ipul - Mas Adi got 60.20 percent of the votes.

In the District of Bugul Kidul, getting 71.39 percent of votes, Purworejo District getting 70.46 percent of votes. Meanwhile, in Gadingrejo District, candidate pair 01 received 74.69 percent.

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