YOGYAKARTA - The rules for imposing level 1 community activity restrictions (PPKM) have again been implemented by the Indonesian government. The government has set this policy to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases which have increased in recent times. There are 5,000 active COVID-19 cases in Java and Bali.

The PPKM level 1 policy is contained in the Minister of Home Affairs Number 47 of 2022 for the Java and Bali regions. The restrictions are valid from 8-21 November 2022. Areas outside Java and Bali also apply PPKM level 1 according to the Minister of Home Affairs Number 48 of 2022 which is valid until December 5.

The increase in COVID-19 cases is said to be caused by the XBB Omicron Subvariant. However, some experts say that the distribution of these variants in Indonesia is still relatively low. Meanwhile, Safrizal, Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, assessed the soaring number of COVID-19 cases due to the loosening public awareness in implementing health protocols.

Indonesian people must re-adjust to the new PPKM level 1 rules in Indonesia. There are several rules that need to be considered in daily mobility.

Education units carry out limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning during PPKM level 1. The policy is based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs Number 01/KB/2022, Number 408 of 2022, Number HK.01.08/MENKES/1140/2022, Number 420-1026 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Implementation of Learning during the Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID) Pandemic.

Non-essential companies can apply Work From Office (WFO) 100% for employees who have been vaccinated. The rules for implementing work are that employees are required to use the PeduliLindung application when entering and leaving their workplaces.

Places of worship may be opened a maximum of 100% during the implementation of PPKM level 1. People can worship at mosques, churches, temples, monasteries, temples, and other places of worship. It is permissible to hold congregational activities while still paying attention to the technical provisions of the Ministry of Religion.

Public facilities are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 100%. Masyrakat can visit public places, such as parks, tourist attractions, library, and others by implementing health protocols.

Children under the age of 12 are required to receive assistance from their parents when accessing public facilities. Children aged 6 to 12 years are required to have proof of at least the first dose of vaccination.

Traditional markets and supermarkets selling daily necessities are allowed to open with 100% visitor capacity. People can shop at markets, hypermarkets, supermarkets, while still implementing health protocols and access PeduliLindungi.

Resto and cafes are allowed to sell until 22,000. The capacity of visitors to eat is a maximum of 100% of the capacity regulated by the Regional Government. The same rules also apply to food stalls and street vendors. Meanwhile, restaurants that open at 18.00 can sell until 02.00 local.

Mall shopping centers are allowed to open during PPKM level 1. Malls are open with 100% capacity and operating hours are until 22.00 local time. Children under the age of 12 are required to get parental assistance. Children aged 6 to 12 years are required to show proof of the first dose of vaccine.

Cinema opens with a capacity of 100%. Visitors who are allowed to enter the cinema must come from the green category and must use PeduliLindungi.

Art, culture, sports, and social activities can be held with a maximum capacity of 100%. People can visit cultural places, sports facilities, watch performing arts, and don't participate in social activities. Visitors who may enter are only from the green category and use PeduliLindungi.

The use of public transportation is enforced with a maximum capacity of 100%. People can use public transportation to rental/rental vehicles by implementing strict health protocols.

The implementation of construction activities to build public infrastructure and private construction can operate 100 percent by implementing strict health protocols.

Those are the new PPKM level 1 rules throughout Indonesia. The public must re-adjust their activities and mobility with the provisions that are in PPKM. Awareness and encouragement from the community is needed to be faster free from COVID-19.

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