The police arrested five youths from the motorized group who were suspected to be gangsters, for ganging up on two victims, Rico and Kiki. The five perpetrators had the initials PJ (35), KIR (19), R (18), RA (41), and YS (18). Kasatreskrim Cimahi Police, AKP Rizka Fadhilla said the incident occurred on Jalan Kebon Kopi, Gang Saluyu, South Cimahi, Cimahi City, Sunday, October 31. "The perpetrators who have been arrested are 5 people," said Rizka in a short message, Sunday, November 6. Rizka explained that the motive for the beating was due to revenge and the feud between the two groups. The incident began when the perpetrator saw a group of victims who were passing by the crime scene (TKP). "Seeing the victim's group passing by using attributes, the perpetrator then threw something so that it hit the victim's vehicle until it fell," he said. The victims who fell were immediately used by the perpetrators to gang up on the victim at the scene until the victim was injured. “ When the victim fell, the perpetrators hit and kicked, carried out the persecution together. The tools used were beams and bamboo. The victim suffered injuries to his head and body, but his condition has improved, ” he said. Now the five perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions. They were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution together with the threat of 7 years in prison.

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