JAKARTA - Direct Cash Assistance for fuel oil has a very positive impact on preventing inflation from becoming recession.

Observer Lucius Karus said BLT is like medicine for Indonesia, which has the potential to get sick due to uncertain economic situations.

"Of course, it is included in dealing with inflation to recession. BLT is a kind of sedative just to reduce turmoil," said Lucius, Saturday, November 5.

Lucius also assessed that the government's move to change fuel subsidies to BLT could also be considered a populist step.

Furthermore, Lucius reminded BLT is a short-term solution. However, he emphasized that BLT is indeed quite effective in calming public anxiety, especially the underprivileged.

So he encouraged the government to divert fuel subsidies for other more productive sectors because BLT could not be relied on as the main weapon.

"So this is just a reactive breakthrough to reduce turmoil due to difficult economic conditions. This is not a powerful solution for long-term economic resilience," said Lucius.

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