JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to visit the bioethenol factory and visit a sugarcane plantation in Mojokerto, East Java (East Java) today, Friday, November 4.

Based on information from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Jokowi and his entourage took off by plane from Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base, Jakarta, at around 7.30 WIB, today.

When landing at Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, Jokowi and his entourage were greeted by Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak, Pangdam V/Brawijaya Major General Nurchahyanto, East Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Toni Harmanto, and Danlanudal Juanda Colonel Laut Heru Prastyo.

From the airport, the President continued his journey for a working visit (kunker) to the bioethenol factory PT Energi Agro Nusantara (Enero) in Mojokerto. There, the President will attend an event entitled "Bioetanol Tebu for Energy Resilience".

After that, still in the same city, Jokowi will go to the Tebu Temu Giring Garden to review the cultivation of sugar cane and dialogue with a number of sugarcane farmers.

After the activity in Mojokerto, the President will go to Juanda International Airport, Sidoarjo Regency, and then take off again to Jakarta.

Also accompanying the President on the flight to East Java Province were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Presidential Military Secretary Admiral TNI Hersan, Commander of Paspampres Marsda TNI Wahyu Hidayat Sudjatmiko, and Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin.

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