MAKASSAR - South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Governor Nurdin Abdullah appealed to all candidate pairs participating in the Pilkada simultaneously in 12 regencies / cities in South Sulawesi to be patient waiting for the results of the stipulation from the General Election Commission (KPU).

"To all supporters of each pair of candidates, after the quick count results, whoever is elected through the quick count, of course we have to be patient waiting for the results of the KPU's determination," said Nurdin Abdullah after giving his voting rights at TPS 23 Perdos Unhas, Wednesday, December 9.

Nurdin said the parade to support the candidate pairs was unnecessary. Because the current condition is still a COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, for candidates who failed in the Simultaneous Regional Election 2020 for the South Sulawesi region, they could take legal action.

"There is no point in us having a parade and so on. Likewise, for those who have not been fortunate enough to hold back and we truly become citizens with a high level of democracy. We appreciate the results and if there are things that we think are not satisfied, of course we must take the path, "said Nurdin.

In addition, Prof. NA — Nurdin's nickname — reminded all parties to maintain health, especially during the simultaneous regional elections.

"Currently it is still a pandemic period, I hope that we all flock to the polling stations and don't forget to wear masks, keep our distance, avoid crowds, and go straight home," he said.

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