MEDAN - Residents of Medan City, North Sumatra must take part in determining the choice of regional head candidates in the Medan Pilkada. Medan children don't forget to vote.

"We urge all Medan City residents to have voting rights to use their voting rights in the election," said Medan City KPU Commissioner Nana Miranti, Tuesday, December 8.

There are two candidate pairs in the Medan Pilkada, namely candidate pair number 1 Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi. This candidate pair known as AMAN is carried by PKS and Democrats with 11 seats in the Medan DPRD.

Meanwhile, candidate pair number 2 is Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman. This candidate pair was carried by PDI Perjuangan, Gerindra, PAN, Golkar, Nasdem and PSI with 39 seats in the DPRD. In fact, the Gelora Party also supported Bobby Nasution who was also President Joko Widodo's son-in-law.

The Medan KPU established a Permanent Voters List (DPT) of 1,601,001 voters, consisting of 781,953 male voters and 819,048 female voters. Meanwhile, the number of TPS Pilkada Medan was 4,303 spread across 21 sub-districts of Medan.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the KPU of Medan City enforces strict health protocols when voting, aka voting. Each officer wears personal protective equipment. TPS is equipped with a temperature checker, water sanitation and hand sanitizer.

"The prokes will definitely be tight at each TPS. Therefore, every voter must wear a mask and disposable plastic gloves," said KPU commissioner Nana Miranti.

Regarding flooding in the Medan area, the KPU has collected data on 112 polling stations affected. The polling stations are located in Medan Maimun, Sunggal and Tuntung sub-districts.

"There have also been dozens of polling stations that have been moved to areas that are not prone to flooding and close to housing for voters who want to vote," explained Nana.

Meanwhile, to prevent fraud in the Medan Pilkada, the KPU said Nana had destroyed 5,312 damaged ballots by burning them.

"The damaged ballots were burned based on the sorting results," he said.

Currently all ballot papers for the needs of all TPS are fulfilled in accordance with the provisions. The stipulation is that the ballot papers per TPS are in accordance with the number of the Final Voters List (DPT) plus 2.5 percent.

Meanwhile, from the security side, the North Sumatra Police together with the Bukit Barisan Military Command (Kodam I) have prepared 18,500 personnel to be assigned to the North Sumatra region.

"Nearly 6,500 Polri personnel were involved and backed up by the Bukit Barisan Military Command. They have already been transferred to the TPS to carry out security. The most distant in South Nias left last Saturday," explained North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Martuani Sormin.

He made sure the situation in North Sumatra remained safe. The police and the TNI are on guard so that the voting or voting for the regional head elections, including in Medan City, runs safely and smoothly

"So far, as coordinated with Polda, up to now conduciveness is still being maintained," said Martuani.

No need to hesitate to make choices for terrain

Medan residents need not hesitate to make political choices. Please Bobby or Akhyar, as long as the brotherhood is maintained.

"The Nasution family is accustomed to open-mindedness and differences. If anyone supports (Akhyar or Bobby) please, that's a personal right. But our cohesiveness and kinship is maintained, we must remain brothers," said the Head of the Medan City Nasution Family Association (Ikanas). , Sahlan Jukri Nasution.

Akhyar and Bobby both offered ideas and programs to advance Medan City. The political choice, once again emphasized by Sahlan, must not destroy the knitting relationship between Nasution's family and Medan residents.

"We must remain brothers and sisters, do not let this family split just because of political choices. We think this is not a dynamic but it must be able to mature the Nasution family. It is up to the choices of the Nasution family members. There are those who try to campaign for their candidates, but we still hope that in an elegant way and do not break the brotherhood. We Ikanas Medan think elegantly about this condition, ā€¯continued Sahlan.

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