JAKARTA - Litbang Kompas released the results of a survey related to public satisfaction with government performance and the image of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the image of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Monday, October 3. As a result, the satisfaction rate with the government decreased from the survey last period.

In this October survey, the satisfaction rate with the government was 62.1 percent. This figure is down when compared to last June which was at 67.1 percent.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi's image is still above 75 percent with a figure of 75.1 percent. Only slightly decreased from June 2022 which reached 76.5 percent. Meanwhile, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's image in October 2022 fell to 55.5 percent from the previous survey which reached 62.7 percent. This figure is the lowest since he took office in October 2019.

However, the image of the former chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council does not mean that it continues to decline. His image had reached 74 percent in April 2021 when Jokowi's image was also at the peak with 82.3 percent.

The Kompas Research and Development Survey also shows that not all levels of public provide minor value to Ma'ruf's image. The public who gave Ma'ruf a good or excellent image assessment came from voters from the National Awakening Party (PKB) and Jokowi supporters in the 2019 Election.

In fact, from PKB supporters, Ma'ruf's image was perceived as increasing, from 66.7 percent in June 2022 to 68.4 percent in October 2022. Meanwhile, regionally that gave a good image to Ma'ruf Amin was the public who came from outside Java.

For information, the Kompas R&D survey was conducted in the period of September 24,-7 October 2022. The survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews involving a total of 1,200 randomly selected respondents using a multilevel systematic prosecution method in 34 provinces of Indonesia. The sampling was taken at a simple random level with a survey confidence level of 95 percent and a research margin of error of 2.8 percent.

The results of the Kompas Research and Development survey regarding the satisfaction of government performance and the image of the president/vice president:

Satisfiasi kinerja pemerintahan:

October 2019: 58.8 percent January 2021: 66.3 percent April 2021: 69.1 percent October 2021: 66.4 percent January 2022: 73.9 percent June 2022: 67.1 percent October 2022: 62.1 percent

President Joko Widodo's image:

October 2019: 73.3 percent January 2021: 72.9 percent April 2021: 82.3 percent October 2021: 73.6 percent January 2022: 80.1 percent June 2022: 76.5 percent October 2022: 75.1 percent

Image of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin:

October 2019: 67.6 percent January 2021: 65.8 percent April 2021: 74.0 percent October 2021: 63.5 percent January 2022: 69.9 percent June 2022: 62.7 percent October 2022: 55.5 percent

June 2022 Very good: 5 percent Good: 58 percent Bad: 20 percent Very bad: 3 percent Don't know/don't answer: 14 percent

October 2022 Very good: 5 percent Good: 51 percent Bad: 22 percent So bad: 4 percent Don't know/don't answer: 18 percent

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