JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) said that the people's musyarawah (musra) held by the volunteer organization Joko Widodo (Jokowi), especially Pro Jokowi (Projo) is one way of democracy for the people to express their aspirations. "However, political parties are not the only channel of aspirations and political communication of the people," said Secretary of the PSI Board of Trustees, Grace Natalie, through a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, October 29, when responding to the musra held by the Jokowi volunteer organization, especially Projo. According to the former journalist, community organizations (ormas) and volunteers can also become good aspirational channels for the people to convey their aspirations to the government. Previously, the General Chairperson of Projo Budi Arie Setiadi stated that he would accelerate the announcement of the results of the musra to find the successor to President Joko Widodo. Since the implementation of Musra I in Bandung which was attended directly by Joko Widodo, musra has netted several names that are deemed appropriate to continue the ideals of the former Surakarta Mayor.

Grace said whatever was produced in the volunteer musra, then it was legal. The results of the deliberation must also be respected and appreciated. "Results must also be appreciated and appreciated. "The volunteers have proven themselves to be at the forefront of guarding Pak Jokowi's government. Therefore, it is very valid if they participate in the selection of Pak Jokowi's successor candidates," he said, quoted by Antara. Finally, PSI congratulated the holding of a musra in Palembang, South Sumatra. The aspiration network is expected to produce the best name for Indonesia in the future. "After all, musra is the people's democratic path," he said.

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