JAKARTA - The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) team of lawyers has not been able to confirm the presence of Rizieq Shihab in the second questioning call regarding the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) when the wedding of his daughter was held. So far, they are still coordinating on this matter.

"We are still coordinating with us but whether the problem comes or not, at what time there is still no decision. We are still weighing it," said the team of FPI lawyers, Aziz Yanuar to reporters, Saturday, December 5.

The context of 'weigh-weigh' in question, said Aziz, regarding whether Rizieq will attend or not. This is because there are several things to consider, including the matter of Rizieq's health.

"We have to pay attention that when he is examined later, he will have a long time to go. So is his condition," he said.

Aziz said that Rizieq Shihab's certainty will be present or not will be delivered tomorrow. This is because Rizieq has not yet received any response regarding the summons for investigation.

"So the info (present or not) maybe we will notify you tomorrow," he said.

Previously, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said investigators had sent a second summon for Rizieq Shihab and his son-in-law Hanif Alatas. Second summons on Monday 7 December.

"For the summoning of the MRS and MHA we schedule Monday, December 7," said Yusri Yunus to the media crew, Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

Thus, Yusri hopes that both of them can fulfill the second summons. Because, as good citizens, they must respect the legal process.

"We are waiting for Monday, so don't think. We are waiting for Monday, not in case. Hopefully he will come," said Yusri.

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