CILEGON - Hundreds of bottles of liquor (Miras) obtained from one of the grocery stores in the Pulomerak area, Cilegon City, were secured by officers to the Pulomerak Police. Pulomerak Police Chief AKP Fauzan Afifi said that the raids were carried out based on information circulating.

"We have secured hundreds of bottles of alcohol from a shop in Pulomerak District. The basic food shop actually sells liquor," said Fauzan in a written statement, Friday, October 21.

The seller of the alcohol is camouflaged by selling basic necessities for the community. However, when investigated, it turned out that the shop was selling liquor. The police immediately took action after receiving the report.

"With the information received, the Pulomerak Police Criminal Investigation Unit moved quickly to check the suspected shops. And from the results of checking at the shop, officers found evidence in the form of 10 boxes or 120 bottles of ngseng wine. Now the evidence has been secured by the Pulomerak Police. The shop owner with the initials KB (61) is a resident of PCI Harjatani Village, Kramatwatu District, Serang," concluded Fauzan.

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