JAKARTA - Former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa has yet to undergo a trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) even though he has the status of a drug suspect.

The National Police argued that so far the process is still in the filing stage.

"It's being filed on ethics," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Friday, October 21.

So that the National Police cannot confirm when the investigation into alleged ethical violations against Teddy will be held. What is clear, said Dedi, is that the Propam Division will as soon as possible complete the filing.

"Waiting for further information from Propam," said Dedi.

Inspector General Teddy Minahasa has been named a suspect in a drug case. He was involved in a network for controlling the circulation of 5 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

In a series of drug cases, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, Polda Metro Jaya named 11 suspects.

Six of them are civilians. They have the initials HE, AR, L, A, AW, and DG. While the rest are members of the National Police. They are Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, Aipda AD, Kompol KS, Aiptu J, and AKBP Doddy Prawira Negara

Especially for ethics, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa is threatened with being fired or dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) as a member of the Bhayangkara Corps.

As for the crime, he is suspected of Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 55 of Law Number 35 of 2009. With a maximum penalty of death and a minimum sentence of 20 years.

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