The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs reminded the police to immediately carry out TGIPF's recommendation, namely the matter of re-exploring the bodies of victims of the riots at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang.

"We will check there is one more recommendation regarding the autopsy of the deceased victims. The point is to determine the cause of death from the victims," said Deputy V for Coordination of Security and Public Order at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Armed Wijaya, after the reconstruction process at the East Java Regional Police, Surabaya, Wednesday.

Exhumation is a grave excavation carried out for the sake of justice by the authorities. This is done to identify the forensics of the cause of death of an unnatural person who was buried before an autopsy was carried out.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that they were still communicating with the victim's family to carry out the process. According to the rules, he said, the process of re-exploring the victim's body must obtain approval from the victim's family.

"As of today, investigators and Polhukam will meet with the family. In accordance with Article 134 of the Criminal Code, investigators must first communicate with the family," he said.

He ensured that investigators together with TGIPF would immediately meet the victim's family to seek approval for the re-exploment of the victim's body.

Based on the recommendations, he said, his party had to dig up the bodies of at least two victims of the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy, Malang.

"Two people have been autopsied for recommendations, but they are still communicated," he said.

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