JAKARTA - The Simeulue Police, Aceh Province detained a young man with the initials JO (28), a resident of Air Cold Village, East Simeulue District, Simeulue District who surrendered after three months as a fugitive in connection with the alleged rape of a minor.
"The suspect JO surrendered himself to the police, because we have named the perpetrator as a suspect in the case of alleged rape crime," said the Head of Simeulue Police, Aceh, AKBP Agung Surya Prabowo SIK represented by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Ipda Muhammad Rizal who was contacted from Meulaboh, reported by Antara, Friday, December 4th.
According to him, JO was chased by police after running away after raping a 16 year old girl in a passenger car, which happened on September 26.
According to Ipda Muhammad Rizal, the suspect JO surrendered to the police after previously feeling uneasy because the police were constantly looking for him to be accountable for his actions legally.
"The suspect was haunted by anxiety because he was constantly being chased by the police, he then felt uneasy," Muhammad Rizal added.
Feeling haunted, JO then reported his whereabouts to the village officials in the village where the suspect lived, then the village officials picked up the suspect to be taken to the Simeulue Police Headquarters to undergo the legal process in accordance with the applicable laws.
In this case, the suspect JO was suspected of violating Article 81 paragraph (1) Juncto Article 76 D Jo. Article 82 Paragraph (1) Jo. Article 76 E Law no. 35 of 2014 as amended by Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.
"The suspect JO is also threatened with criminal intercourse or sexual immorality against a minor," said Ipda Muhammad Rizal.
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