JAKARTA - The National Police continues to investigate the case of chaos at the Kanjuruhan Malang Stadium which killed hundreds of people. The plan is for the investigation team to examine 16 additional witnesses next week.
"What will be done next week, among other things, will examine 16 witnesses," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Saturday, October 15.
However, it was not detailed about the identity or the party that would be used as an additional witness.
So far, it has only been stated that the additional witness examination is a follow-up to the recommendations of the Independent Fact Finding Joint Team (TGIPF).
In addition, from the recommendations that have been received, the investigation team formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will focus on elements of negligence that result in the loss of people's lives.
"The focus of the current investigation is on the resolution of the disclosure of cases 359 and 360 and/or Article 103 paragraph 1 of Law 2022," said Dedi.
For information, in the tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang, the National Police have named six suspects. They are, President Director of PT LIB, Akhmad Hadian Lukita, Chair of Panpel Arema FC Abdul Haris, and Security Officer of Arema, Suko Sutrisno.
Then, the Head of Malang Police Ops Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto, Head of Samapta Malang Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi, and the East Java Police Mobile Brigade Company Commander AKP Hasdarman.
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