TASIKMALAYA - The Geological Agency at the Ministry of Energy and Human Resources (ESDM) has begun to conduct a study on the level of danger of ground movement in residential areas in Ciketug Village, Parakanhonje Village, Bantarkalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java to determine the risk of its movement. "We have coordinated with PVMBG (Villcanology Center and Geological Disaster Mitigation) and have checked, we are waiting for a complete report," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Tasikmalaya Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Kurnia Trisna in Tasikmalaya, Antara, Friday, October 14. He stated that the natural disaster of ground movement had occurred a few days ago and caused the road to crack, then damaged residents' houses. The local government, he said, had reported the incident to the Geological Agency for an examination of the level of risk of danger from ground movement in the village. The team that has gone into the field examined various things, including from rocks, geological structures, slopes, and soil cracks to find out the level of danger. "Starting from rocks, geological structures, slopes, roads, soil cracks, and others, the level of risk and vulnerability," said Kurnia. Parakanhonje Village Head Abdullah said a team from the Geological Agency had started to study the village area which was hit by land movement. Regarding the results, he said, the Geological Agency had not yet conveyed it to the village and district governments. "However, for the results, they have not issued an official statement," he said. He conveyed that the land movement disaster caused 35 houses to be damaged and others threatened. The movement of the soil, he said, caused the 100-meter-long ground crack in Cikatug Village to damage the surface of the land that had been built by the house and damaged the building.

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