The prosecutor's investigators examined at least a dozen witnesses in handling the alleged corruption case of the Awang Health Center construction project, Central Lombok Regency with a work budget of IDR 7.7 billion. "So far, at least we have examined dozens of witnesses," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Central Lombok Kejari Bratha Hariputra when met in Mataram, Antara, Friday, October 14. Witnesses who have given statements to investigators include the project implementing contractor, puskesmas officials, and the Central Lombok Health Service. "That's not all, there are still witnesses that we haven't examined, including experts," he said. Because it is related to the alleged corruption case, the prosecutor's office also plans to cooperate with the auditor. However, regarding the auditor to be partnered with, Bratha said that the investigator had not yet determined it. "That (the appointment of the auditor) will be later. We will focus first on examining witnesses," he said. Although they have not found the figure of state losses, investigators have pocketed the results of the independent count. It was found that the potential loss to the state was Rp900 million from the alleged lack of work volume and development specifications that were not in accordance with the planning. "What is clear is that in this case investigators have found elements of unlawful acts so that the handling of this case is increased to the investigation stage," he said. The puskesmas construction project was carried out in 2020 with a Special Allocation Fund (DAK) budget. The project implementer worth IDR 7.7 billion is PT Ramadhani Cahaya Mandiri, which is located at Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.

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