ACEH - The East Aceh Police are investigating an oil well explosion that left one worker dead and two other workers in critical condition. The critically ill worker is being treated intensively at a local hospital.

The Head of the Crime Investigation Unit of the East Aceh Police, AKP Miftahuda Dizha Fezuono, said the exploded oil well was located in Seuneubok Lapang Village, East Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency.

"The oil well caught fire and exploded last Wednesday night at around 23.00 WIB. In addition to the investigation, we also examined and questioned a number of residents living around the location," said Miftahuda in East Aceh, Antara, Thursday, October 13.

The explosion of the oil well resulted in a worker named David (33), a resident of Bukit Seumat Village, Sungai Raya District, East Aceh Regency, died at the scene.

Meanwhile, two other workers, namely Zaini Kaoy (40), a resident of Cek bon Village, Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency, and M. Amin (19), a resident of Blang Barom Village, Ranto Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency, suffered serious injuries and his condition is critical.

According to a number of residents, Miftahuda said the oil well that burned and exploded was a Dutch colonial heritage well and had not been operating for a long time.

"Based on the results of the inspection, Zaini Kaoy and his friends have reactivated the oil well so that it can produce crude oil," he said.

Miftahuda added that the oil well caught fire and exploded when Zaini Kaoy was installing a compressor pipe. Meanwhile, David and his colleagues cook in a hut which is located close to the oil lake.

Unexpectedly, suddenly the oil well caught fire and exploded. Two workers, namely M. Amin and Zaini Kaoy managed to escape, although both suffered serious burns.

"Meanwhile David died in the hut where he was cooking. The Inafis team has also investigated the scene," said Miftahuda.

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