ACEH - Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki asked the acting regents who had just been inaugurated to increase efforts to reduce poverty in their respective regions. "Brothers must look for the best strategy, such as in ensuring that the distribution of aid goes well, in order to reduce poverty," he said in Anjong Monta, Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, October 11. He made this statement at the inauguration of the Acting Regent of Nagan Raya Fitriany Farhas, Acting Regent of West Aceh Mahdi Efendi, Acting Regent of Southeast Aceh Syakir, and Acting Regent of Gayo Lues Rasyidin Porang. The Acting Governor said that regional heads in Aceh Province must optimize the role of the Regional Government Budget Team (TPAD) and the Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK) as well as build collaborations to accelerate poverty reduction. "I ask the acting regent to also be able to run the government system in a transparent, accountable and law-abiding manner and seek timely discussion of the APBK so that development movements can start early," he said. He also asked the acting regents who had just been inaugurated to ensure that the village funds disbursed by the government were properly managed every year by the gampong government. "Brothers and sisters must immediately take strategic steps to assist and supervise. Prioritize the role of mukim and sub-district heads so that the village funds are right on target and are beneficial for economic growth in the region you lead," he said. The regional coconuts, he continued, must build cohesiveness so that all development programs in his area can run well. In addition, the Acting Governor advised regional heads to accelerate the reduction in the number of stunting cases in their respective regions because the number of stunting cases in Aceh Province was still at 33 percent. "The same concern also needs to be directed at efforts to reduce cases of violence against women and children," he said.

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