JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PKS faction, Mulyanto, criticized the government's plan to replace all oil-fueled official cars (BBMs) with electric cars. This policy is in accordance with President Joko Widodo's orders through Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 7 of 2022. According to Mulyanto, the plan was too far-fetched and not urgent to implement. Given, state finances are currently not doing well.

The member of Commission VII of the DPR reminded the government to save the state budget to anticipate the possibility of a global recession in the years to come. If the government persists in wanting to replace official official vehicles with electric cars, Mulyanto suggested using an electric car made by Esemka.

"Esemka is a local brand of pride of the Indonesian nation. We must appreciate the work of the nation's children introduced by President Joko Widodo. The factory already exists. There are already many orders. It's just a matter of developing it to the electric car variant," said Mulyanto in his statement, Monday, October 10. Mulyanto assessed that the president was not sensitive to the state's financial capacity if he really implemented the program to replace this official vehicle by using another brand car.

Moreover, he said, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo, had given a warning code that Indonesia's financial condition was in an unsafe position.

Therefore, the PKS politician emphasized that the government needs to be careful in choosing programs that only pamper state officials' facilities. If the program is not very important, said Mulyanto, it should be postponed or canceled.

"Moreover, news is now circulating that several state officials have complained about the replacement program for this official vehicle. We suspect that his involvement in this program is not for good purposes. But for personal and group interests," said Mulyanto.

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