JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Utut Adianto, believes that the government's budget for the defense sector needs to be increased in order to increase the strength of the TNI from external defense threats.

According to Utut, in the speech "The 77th TNI Anniversary is Us, History, Kepeloporan, and TNI's Future Design" at the PDI-P Jakarta DPP Office, Sunday, the political alignment with the TNI's current budget has not been maximized.

"Politicalism is a matter of taking sides. So, this party to the army budget has yet to show what was told during the 5th Presidential era of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri," said Utut, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 9.

Strengthening the TNI is a necessity, he said, so that the TNI must be strong, disciplined, and receive budgetary support to continue to strengthen national defense.

"We want to see the TNI getting stronger," he added.

He said the Government's budget for the defense sector worth Rp. 134 trillion was still far from sufficient. He compared it to Singapore, which has a large budget for the defense sector.

However, according to him, the budget for defense in Indonesia should ideally be two to three times greater than the current budget.

"Ideally, at least compared to Singapore, ideally twice or three times this budget. That's in my opinion," he said.

Meanwhile, the former Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) Marshal TNI (Ret.) Agus Supriatna in the event highlighted several challenges for the TNI in the future.

"There are three things I need to say to face the challenges of today and the future. We must have national strategies and policies, how the human resources and the problem of providing defense equipment (main equipment for the weapon system) are," said Agus.

According to Agus, the TNI's defense strategy policy must adjust the challenges of geopolitical, regional, and global.

"The policy of defense strategies must focus on the challenges and threats of war at this time, namely asymmetric war, cyber war, and proxy war," he added.

Former Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Ganip Warsito added that the TNI must always be at the forefront of this nation in facing various threats, disturbances, challenges, and obstacles.

The TNI must also always be professional in carrying out tasks based on Pancasila, the 1945 Indonesian State Law, the Sapta Marga, and the Soldier's Oath. The TNI should also not be far from the people, he said.

"This means that the TNI must remain independent with the people because together with the people of the TNI it will be strong. Actually, the TNI's strength is in the unity and integrity of the TNI with the people," said Ganip Warsito.

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