TANGERANG - Tangerang Police, Tangerang City Police visited the location where the body was found allegedly a murder victim in Babakan Village, Tangerang City, Banten, Friday, October 7.

At around 09.30 WIB, the Tangerang Police Criminal Investigation Unit picked up a report that an unidentified man's body was lying on the Kampung Baru water channel. Then, the police chief together with the Criminal Investigation Unit, the police chief and members of the identification unit visited the crime scene (TKP) and conducted a crime scene investigation.

From the results of the crime scene, the victim's body had several wounds due to the violence of sharp objects. Even officers found a kitchen knife near the victim. It is suspected that the knife was used by the perpetrator to kill the victim.

Based on the results of the examination of 4 witnesses, the victim was identified on behalf of Deri alias Ompong, who worked as an angkot driver.

The victim has been evacuated at the Tangerang district hospital for an autopsy and other medical examinations.

"That the man's body is about 35 years old. Located in the Kampung Baru Babakan waterway, Tangerang, with the victim's condition having suffered several injuries due to violent knife objects on his body," explained Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho in a written statement, Friday, October 7.

The case is handled by the Tangerang Metro Police

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