PANDEGLANG - The Sumur Police Satreskrim arrested SB (23) and AY (19), a suspect in the theft of 3 kg gas cylinders. Sumur Police Chief Iptu Barmono explained that the two suspects had only been in his profession for two months, and had managed to steal hundreds of gas cylinders.

Barmono explained that the arrests of AY and SB were carried out separately. Each of the perpetrators was arrested in different places. From the results of SB's arrest, AY continued to arrest.

"SB was arrested in Ciawi Village with evidence of 2 gas cylinders. Then he developed the perpetrator AY in Kampung Basir. The evidence that was secured was a motorbike and a pryer," said Barmono in a written statement, Friday, October 7.

Barmono said the perpetrators sold 3 kilograms of empty tubes in the amount of Rp. 90,000, while the cylinders contained Rp. 120,000 per tube, the money from the sale of gas cylinders was used by the perpetrators for Fiya-foya.

"From the proceeds of the sale, the profits are used for fashion, such as drinking," said Barmono.

Barmono revealed that the perpetrator had carried out his actions since the last two months and managed to steal 200 gas cylinders.

"The theft was carried out for two months with 50 crime scenes and the amount of evidence they got was approximately 200 tubes," said Barmono.

Currently, officers are still chasing 1 perpetrator in the search stage. According to him, the perpetrator who is still a DPO has a role in facilitating the perpetrators to commit theft.

"The role of the DPO is to facilitate the perpetrators when carrying out thefts, such as giving operational money," explained Barmono.

"The two suspects were charged with Article 363 in conjunction with 64 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison," concluded Barmono.

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