PENAJAM - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), has temporarily closed the Zero Point of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago for tourist visits because it is currently in the IKN infrastructure development stage.

"For the time being, it is still closed to the public, except for those with an interest, because it is feared that something might happen, considering that the location is currently under construction," said the acting sub-district head of Sepaku, North Penajam Paser Regency, Adi Kustaman as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 7.

If construction activities in the core area of ​​IKN Nusantara have been completed or the path to zero is deemed safe, he hopes it can be reopened to the public, because since it was designated as an IKN, the area has become a magnet for local residents and residents from outside East Kalimantan.

So far, he continued, residents of North Penajam Paser Regency in particular, and residents of East Kalimantan in general, feel proud of the designation of Sepaku District as the location for the new IKN to move, so they want to see firsthand how the situation and the change in the location which is now the IKN Zero Point, he continued.

"Certain groups with an interest in IKN development as well as journalists can still do it, but they still need permission," said Adi.

On Thursday (7/10) a visit was made from the Mahakam River Basin Water Resources Management Team (TKPSDA) facilitated by the Kalimantan IV Samarinda River Basin Center.

This field visit after Session IV for two days in Balikpapan, namely the session that discussed the existence of the East Kalimantan Provincial RTRW related to the management of water resources, it is hoped that from this visit the idea of ​​managing water resources in the IKN area will be obtained.

Since it was established as a new IKN and before it was closed to the public, the location has become a special attraction, every day there are always visitors, especially on holidays, there are hundreds of residents who come for tours as well as take pictures and selfies.

At the end of the IKN Point Zero road, a pavilion has been built with East Kalimantan ornaments. About 100 meters to the right of the pavilion, you can see the big words "Point Zero Nusantara". This location is the most favorite as a photo background by visitors.

To get to the zero point, visitors must descend dozens of stairs from the front yard of the pavilion. Meanwhile, on the right side of the writing Point Zero Nusantara, there are signs for various cities in Indonesia, such as Rote, Papua, Jakarta and others.

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