JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department has named eight suspects in the alleged fraudulent Net89 trading robot. The suspects are officials of PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI).

"The determination of the suspects against 8 high-ranking PT SMI officials was carried out after investigators had found a number of evidences and confiscated a number of documents in the form of bank statements, transaction evidence and digital evidence," said Director of the Special Crimes Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan to reporters, Thursday, October 6.

The suspects are AA as the founder or owner of Net89 or PT SMI, LSH as director, and ES as member and operator.

Then LS, AL, HS, FI, and D, all of which are sub-operators of the Net89 trading robot.

In carrying out their actions, the suspects offered a trading investment package with a ponzi scheme and a forex investment trading robot under the guise of an MLM Ebook.

They operate from 2017 to 2022 in almost all of Indonesia.

"They promise a profit from the trading robot investment package of around 1 percent per day, 20 percent per month to 200 percent per year as a fraud mode to attract victims," ​​said Whisnu.

With the stipulation of eight suspects, investigators will begin investigating the crime of money laundering (TTPU) in this case. Thus, all assets of the suspects that are the proceeds of crime will be confiscated.

"The potential loss of trading robot Net89 reaches IDR 2.7 trillion. The nominal is the result of the investment of 300 thousand members," said Whisnu.

In this case, the suspects were charged with multi-layered articles, among others, Article 378 of the Criminal Code, Article 372 of the Criminal Code on fraud.

Then, Article 106 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, Amendments to Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade, and Article 105 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.

Also, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5 and Article 6 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning ML with a maximum threat of 20 years.

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