JAKARTA - The government has officially added a quota for pertalite and diesel fuel types starting in early October 2022.

The decision was taken for the availability of fuel in the community. This is because the stock of Pertalite will expire in mid-October 2022 and Solar in November 2022.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission VI Andre Rosiade appreciated the government's policy. He hopes that there won't be another queue at the gas station.

Meski demikian, dia tetap mendesak pemerintah untuk membuat aturan siapa pihak yang berhak menerima BBM subsidi.

"Whether the quota is added, the subsidy is added, it will definitely swell (subsidized budget) as long as the government has not made a firm decision on who can and who can't enjoy subsidized fuel," said Andre, Thursday, October 6.

Starting early October the Pertalite quota was increased from 23.05 million kiloliters (KL) to 29.91 million KL. Then for subsidized Solar, it was originally 15.1 million KL to 17.83 million KL.

Andre admitted that he received many reports from the field regarding the misuse of subsidized fuel.

"The truck with ODOL (over-dimensional overload) which was originally 10 wheels, was modified into 6 wheels. Now they still use solar subsidies or bio diesel. There are also luxury cars whose prices are above Rp500 million, such as Pajero and Fortuner which use solar subsidies," said Andre.

Furthermore, Andre said the DPR had encouraged the government to immediately complete the revision of Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel. In the revision, it will be regulated what types of vehicles are not allowed to consume subsidized fuel.

"If there are rules, the gas station officer can forbid if there is a CPO transport truck or coal that wants to fill the subsidized diesel. Or if there is a luxury car that wants to fill Pertalite. If they haven't ordered it, it can be withdrawn. the collar of the gas station officer or slapped by the vehicle owner," said Andre.

For information, Pertamina is currently conducting a trial of limiting the purchase of subsidized fuel based on volume. Each four-wheeled vehicle, regardless of type, is limited to only being allowed to "drink" Pertalite 120 liters per day.

Meanwhile, diesel for the type of four-wheeled private vehicle, the maximum purchase is 60 liters per day. Public transportation for people or four-wheeled goods is limited to 80 liters per day and public transportation for people or six-wheeled goods is a maximum of 200 liters per day.

Dalam rapat DPR dengan Kementerian BUMN dan Dirut Pertamina Patra Niaga beberapa waktu lalu, disampaikan jika draft revisi perpres terburuk sudah selesai. Tapi Andre tidak mengetahui penyebab beleid tersebut belum juga dikeluarkan.

On the same occasion, the Regional Marketing Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Mars Ega Legowo Putra said his party had made various efforts to make the public want to register MyPertamina.

The data will later be used for the policy of limiting the purchase of fuel based on the type of vehicle.

He said that vehicles that had not registered with MyPertamina were also recorded by gas stations, namely by recording vehicle numbers.

"We don't mean we don't identify, we record vehicle police numbers but it's not as small as MyPertamina registration," said Mars Eka.

"We have various programs, one of which is a loyal program for people who always buy subsidized fuel with MyPertamina. Every year we also hold MyPertamina Fair, so every birthday Pertamina celebrates with consumers," he added.

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