PAPUA - Two traffic police officers (polantas) of the West Papua Regional Police, Bripda Daut and Bripda Fahri have been given sanctions for their actions, mocking and licking the TNI's birthday cake.
"The two police officers have been detained in the West Papua Regional Police cell to be processed and accounted for the mistakes made," said West Papua Police Traffic Director, Kombes Pol Raydian Kokrosono, Thursday, October 6.
Raydian ensures that the cake in the content has been secured. So he also made sure that the cake was not given to the TNI institution.
"We have secured the cake in the video content as evidence, we make sure the cake is not sent to the TNI institution," he said.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Papua Police, Kombes Pol. Adam Erwindi, said the same thing. He said that the two police officers would be detained for 30 days in the West Papua Regional Police cell.
"Detained for 30 days," he concluded.
Previously, a viral video on social media showed two traffic police officers (polantas) making fun of them and licking a birthday cake for the TNI institution.
The video was uploaded to a Twitter account when replying to the @DivHumas_Polri account uploaded by VOI, Thursday, October 5.
West Papua Police Traffic Director Kombes Pol Raydian Kokrosono confirmed the incident. On that basis, his party apologized for the incident carried out by the two police officers.
"I am the Director of West Papua Traffic Police at this time conveying my deepest apologies to the TNI institution for the viral video made by unscrupulous members of the then West Papua Police circulating on social media," Raydian said when confirmed, Thursday, October 5.
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