JAKARTA - Surprised. That's what President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) displayed through his Instagram social media account. Make a scene with the figure of Intan 'hard to forget Rehan', Jokowi's next upload is 'look forward to'.

Orange cat, as many people call it. This orange cat appears again in Jokowi's upload. Suddenly the citizens highlighted the upload on the Instagram account @jokowi.

"Times may change, lifestyles change, the current of globalization rushes, but the Indonesian people will still hold fast to Pancasila and all the values ​​it contains. The ideology that was explored and formulated by our predecessors from the roots and character of the Indonesian nation itself, has proven to be able to become a shield to face various challenges that threaten our unity and pluralism," Jokowi said in an Instagram account commemorating Pancasila Day.

"Immediately look for oyen," one netizen commented on Jokowi's Instagram account.

This orange cat became a concern after Jokowi uploaded an illustration of a congratulatory National Farmer's Day.

One could say wrong focus. In fact, that's what happened to netizens when they saw the upload of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago.

Instead of focusing on National Farmers Day, netizens who were so careful, highlighted the appearance of Intan which went viral on the TikTok platform because of the jargon it was 'hard to forget Rehan'

At that time, President Jokowi uploaded an image of Happy National Farmers Day on his Instagram account @jokowi, Saturday, September 24. This post has been widely commented on by netizens. Basically, netizens were made to fail to focus.

In the description of the upload on Instagram @jokowi, the president wished him a happy National Farmer's Day.

“In the midst of uncertainty and the threat of a world food crisis, Indonesia's agricultural sector has survived with an increasingly large contribution to the economy. For this reason, the government fully supports this sector with the development of agricultural infrastructure such as dams, reservoirs, and irrigation networks throughout the country, assistance in the use of technology, opening access to capital, and so on," said Jokowi.

"All these efforts are made to boost productivity while improving the welfare of Indonesian farmers," continued Jokowi.

Indonesian netizens who are known to be so thorough, saw the figure of Intan on the cellphone screen in a banana leaf. In the image uploaded by Jokowi, there are several farmers who appear to be talking to the right side of their cellphone with faces that are considered by netizens to be like diamonds.

But it wasn't just Intan that was highlighted by netizens, there was also a cat swimming in the small river with the ducks, so it was a concern.

"The orange cat is in wrong server, Sir 😑," commented one netizen.

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