JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) emphasized that it would pay or return 100 percent of funds to customers according to the recommendations of the Jiwasraya Commission VI Commission VI report.

"The point is that Jiwasraya respects the previously agreed policy, but due to the limited funds available, the scheme is used. In essence, we pay 100 percent, but in installments with an indicative period of 15 years, or if you want it to be faster, there must be an adjustment in the cash value. , "said Jiwasraya President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 1.

According to Hexana, his party respects the cash value until the cut off date on December 31, 2020, then the cash value is paid in installments for a long term, the indicative is for 15 years without interest.

He further explained that if the customer wants to be shorter, there must be an adjustment or the term hair cut. Only as a hair cut in installments for 15 years.

In addition, if a customer wants to choose cash, go back to Jiwasraya's ability, then calculate a certain percentage that can be paid, convey cash and advance in advance, then adjust the cash value first or hair cut first, then only 5 years in installments.

"So there is an element of cash and advance, there is hair cut, there is a 5 year installment. Only in this way will the funds from the government be sufficient to solve the problem but also at the same time build a healthy IFG Life. So the two goals must be achieved," said Jiwasraya President Director. the.

Hexana also added that by obtaining this support, his party would follow up on the targeted first week or early second week to make an initial announcement to the public. In conducting socialization, Jiwasraya must comply with and comply with the health protocol for preventing COVID-19.

"So this is a technical matter of how we socialize to the public, because it is impossible for us to meet in a large number of people, so maybe we will target offline and online meetings," he said.

The Managing Director of Jiwasraya emphasized that the socialization was conveyed to all customers, because the restructuring was carried out on all policies.

"We have been restructuring the flagship or corporate policies, then with this support, we will move on to retail policies, both traditional and bancassurance," said Hexana.

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