JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has held a number of safeguards in the aftermath of the mass action plan that will guard Rizieq Shihab's investigation. Originally, Rizieq had scheduled an examination regarding the alleged violation of health protocol at the wedding of his daughter, Najwa Shihab, today.

Based on VOI's monitoring, the security scheme is applied in several layers. This is because a number of personnel are on guard along Jalan SCBD which leads to the entrance of Polda Metro Jaya.

In addition, several armed personnel were also alerted at the entrance to Polda Metro Jaya. They inspected and advised every motorist who wanted to enter the Polda Metro Jaya area.

Meanwhile, inside the Polda Metro, a number of officers from the Brimob Unit were also on standby. In fact, TNI personnel are also involved in this security scheme.

However, it is not yet certain whether Rizieq Shihab will fulfill the summons. Because, there has been no statement from the FPI or the police regarding this matter.

Security at Polda Metro Jaya facing questioning Rizieq Shihab (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that during the examination schedule, Rizeq would be asked for information at around 10.00 WIB.

"Summoning MRS (Muhammad Riziq Shihab) to be present on Tuesday," said Yusri to reporters, Sunday, November 29.

However, it was not explained in detail what the investigators would study. However, if he refers to the summons for examination, Rizieq Shihab will be asked to explain several things related to his daughter's wedding ceremony. Including the matter of the crowd which is the mass of supporters.

In addition, Yusri said, Rizieq's summons for examination had been carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations. Investigators have passed a summons to Rizieq's house.

Although, the letter was not immediately received by the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Because, at that time Rizieq was not at home. Thus, the letter was received by his lawyer.

"A summons for Mr. Muhammad Rizieq Shihab has been given to the family," he said.

Yusri said, if Rizieq Shihab and his son-in-law Irfan Alaydrus fulfill the summons, it is hoped that their supporters will not go to Polda Metro Jaya. Because, currently they are still in a COVID-19 situation and their arrival has the potential to gather and become a cluster for the spread of the virus from Wuhan.

"We hope not (supporters to Polda Metro Jaya). We must obey the law," he said.

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