JAKARTA - Pemerintah Indonesia dan Singapura meningkatkan pengawasan wilayah perbatasan dengan menetapkan kerja sama patrol terkait masalah kepabeanan dan perdagangan barang ilegal.

The agreement came between the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Indonesia and the Singapore Police Coast Guard (SPCG) in a meeting of the Rendezres at Sea in the Singapore Strait on Wednesday, September 28.

"Rendezcing at Sea in 2022 is one of the long series of collaboration achievements between DJBC and SPCG, starting from the signing of the memorandum of understanding in 2020, Rendezress at Sea first in 2021, signing SOP cooperation on coordinated border patrols in 2022, until now reaching the second Rendezres at Sea in September 2022," said Batam Customs Enforcement and Investigation Division Head Sisprian Subiaksono in a written statement, Thursday, September 29.

Sisprian explained, Rendez nervous at Sea is a meeting that runs at sea. Followed by agencies that discuss the implementation and scope of cooperation and then regulated in a memorandum of understanding.

He said the maritime border areas between Indonesia and Singapore needed stricter supervision because they became one of the international trade routes.

In the Rendezcing at Sea, DJBC and SPCG also discussed coordinated patrol plans and mechanisms covering the territorial waters of Singapore and Indonesia.

"In addition to discussing the area of operation, the activity also discusses technical operations, including operational simulations and coordinated patrols in phase I and coordinated patrols in phase II," said Sisprian.

Head of the Operational Enforcement and Facilities Division of the Riau Islands Special Region Office I Wayan Sapta Darma added that patrols in coordinated border areas are important.

Therefore, the DJBC meeting with the SPCG also discussed the communication system carried out periodically between command and control centers, as well as between ships.

With the rapid and precise exchange of information between DJBC and SPCG, he said, monitoring and prevention of smuggling in water areas in border areas between Indonesia and Singapore will be maximized.

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