MANOKWARI - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigative team left the Manokwari Police Headquarters, West Papua on Wednesday afternoon at around 13.20 WIT, carrying a black suitcase and a brown carton suspected of containing examination evidence documents.
One of the six confirmed KPK investigators team when leaving the examination room at the Manokwari Police Headquarters was also reluctant to provide information regarding the three-day examination agenda (Monday-Wednesday), at the Manokwari Police Headquarters.
Furthermore, KPK spokesman Ali Fikri, who was contacted by telephone, had not yet responded to the inspection agenda which was held behind closed doors by the KPK team in the West Papua region.
Previously, the Manokwari City Police Chief AKBP Parasian Herman Gultom confirmed the KPK's three-day agenda at the Manokwari Police Headquarters, after he approved a request for a place loan by the KPK team.
"Yes, we just borrowed a place, but we don't know the agenda," said Police Chief Herman Gultom via text message quoted from Antara.
It is known that the KPK team from 2018 to 2022 is still developing the alleged gratification case for the management of the balance fund for the Arfak Mountains Regency in the 2017 State Budget-P and 2018 State Budget.
In the case of the alleged gratification of the management of the balance fund for the Arfak Mountains Regency, the KPK team has named a number of people as suspects in June 2019, including the Head of the PU Office of the Arfak Mountains Regency Natan Pasomba, and members of Commission XI DPR RI for the 2014/2019 period Sukiman.
In fact, in August 2022, the KPK again named Rifa Surya (RS) as a suspect in the alleged bribery case related to the management of balance funds in the 2017 State Budget and 2018 State Budget.
RS is a former Head of the Planning Section for Physical Special Allocation Funds II Sub-directorate of Physical Special Allocation Funds II and Head of the Special Non-Physical Allocation Fund Planning Section for the Sub-Directorate of Non-Physical Special Allocation Funds of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).
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