JAKARTA - Commission IV of the House of Representatives has approved the budget ceiling for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2023 of IDR 6.9 trillion.
"Commission IV of the Indonesia House of Representatives (DPR RI) approved the budget of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the State Budget (APBN) for the 2023 fiscal year by the results of the discussion of the 2023 APBN Bill by the Budget Agency of the DPR RI amounting to IDR 6,912,784,958,000", said Deputy Chairperson of Commission IV of the DPR RI, Anggia Erma Rini, when reading the conclusion of the government's working meeting with Commission IV of the DPR at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, Monday, September 26.
Anggia said that Commission IV of the DPR RI will then submit the results of the discussion of the 2023 KLHK budget to the DPR RI Budget Agency.
Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, explained that the KLHK 2023 budget includes budget allocations for the Secretariat General of IDR 453 billion, the Inspectorate General of IDR 93 billion, the Directorate General of Sustainable Forest Management of IDR 257 billion, and the Directorate General of Watershed Management and Forest Rehabilitation of IDR 1.36 trillion.
Furthermore, there are budget allocations for the Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation amounting to IDR 1.68 trillion, the Directorate General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management of IDR 643 billion, the Agency for Standardization of Environmental and Forestry Instruments of IDR 227 billion, and the Extension and Human Resources Development Agency amounting to IDR 296 billion.
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In addition, there are budget allocations for the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships of IDR 300 billion, the Directorate General of Environmental and Forestry Law Enforcement of IDR 340 billion, the Directorate General of Climate Change Control of IDR 291 billion, the Directorate General of Waste, Waste, and B3 for IDR 203 billion, the Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control of IDR 380 billion, and the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency of IDR 381 billion.
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