JAKARTA - Acting Head of the Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Abdul Muhari explained that 17 villages were affected by floods and landslides in five sub-districts in Garut Regency.

Launching Antara, based on data compiled by the Centers for Control and Operations (Pusdalops) of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) on Saturday night, villages in Pameungpeuk District were affected, including Pameungpeuk, Paas, Mandala Kasih, Sirnabakti and Bojong Kidul.

Then Jayabakti Village in Banjarwangi District. Sukamukti Village and Sukanagara Village in Cisompet District.

Furthermore, Singajaya Village, Karanggung Village, Girimukti Village, Pancasura Village and Sukamulya Village were affected in Singajaya District. Lastly in Cibalong District, the affected includes Mekarwangi Village, Mekarsari Village, Simpang Village and Mekarmukti Village.

The latest report stated that the condition of a number of affected villages currently has no more puddles. The joint team together with the community also started cleaning up the mud and materials that were carried away by floods and landslides.

Floods and landslides that occurred in Garut, West Java, Thursday, September 22, claimed the death of one person, and as many as 1,672 families or 4,876 people were affected.

A total of eight houses were reported to be heavily damaged, four moderately damaged, four houses lightly damaged, 1,628 houses affected, seven places of worship affected, five bridges damaged, four road points damaged and three Land Defense Walls (TPT) also affected.

Abdul appealed to people in the area not to panic but to increase vigilance. Residents are important to be vigilant, especially for those who live in mountainous locations or those adjacent to cliff slopes and riverbanks.

Because based on weather forecast information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the Garut Regency area still has the potential to rain with light to moderate intensity until Sunday, September 25.

"People who live around cliff slopes and riverbanks should increase their vigilance. If there is high intensity rain for more than an hour, they are advised to evacuate to a safer location," said Abdul.

BNPB also appealed to policy makers in the regions together with the community to make every effort that refers to mitigation and increased preparedness.

Such as river cleaning from garbage blockages, socialization to the community to protect the environment and monitor weather developments regularly.

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