MEDAN - The 234 SC group denies that any of its members have been arrested by officers from the East Medan Police and West Medan Police for committing the crime of robbery.

The head of the North Sumatra 234 SC Coordinator, Ibnu Akbar, said that the arrest of the sadistic gang of robbers was not from their group.

"I want to clarify that I, as chairman of 234 SC North Sumatra and my friends, have clarified the news about 234 SC and it's not part of us", he told reporters, Tuesday, September 20.

Ibnu Akbar said that he had just returned from the 234 SC National Conference (Munas) in Jakarta, Saturday, September 17. It was confirmed that the arrest of the motorcycle gang on behalf of 234 SC was not their part.

"So that the motorcycle gang members who were secured by the police from the West Medan and East Medan Police who brought 234 SCs were not part of us. We are not a motorcycle gang, we are a youth-based mass organization", he said.

Ibnu Akbar said that the activities carried out by 234 SC were social, sports, and automotive activities. Not only that, but they also support the activities of the police in Kamtibmas.

"We also support the activities of the police to eradicate acts of the robbery that have been troubling the community", he said.

Regarding the sticker on the vehicle used for criminal acts that were secured by the police, it was not their purpose.

"We 234 SC do not allow making stickers. The stickers can be made by certain people", he said.

"We don't know who is on behalf of 234 SC who was secured by the police. From the information, we got from Deliserdang, Saeintis area. They brought the name of 234 SC to make a crime", continued Ibnu Akbar.

His party will have an audience with the police to cooperate in eradicating criminal acts on the streets.

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