JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian explained his strategy to achieve the target of voter participation of 77.5 percent in the simultaneous regional elections in December.

This was conveyed by Tito at the DPR RI Commission II hearing (RDP) at the Indonesian Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

The Minister of Home Affairs said the first strategy was to form the Pilkada Desk of the Ministry of Home Affairs to monitor or supervise the recording process of electronic identity cards (e-KTP) and Civil Registration Certificate (Suket) every day.

"We make daily monitoring of desks, and later we will continue to reconcile the daily data to the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Board. So that together we can monitor which regions have not been maximally recording e-KTP or which have not received Suket, "said Tito Karnavian as quoted by Antara.

He added that the basic working principle of the Ministry of Home Affairs' Pilkada Desk is to accommodate all forms of public service who wish to exercise their voting rights or record e-KTPs.

Second, the Minister of Home Affairs has ordered the Pilkada Desk to coordinate with all heads of population and civil registration services to make their best efforts, including mobilizing their respective members.

"The problem can be different in each region, that's the supervision team that will work. I have ordered, two weeks they have to be in those areas and move in areas where we have maps that have not done the recording optimally. , "said Tito.

Furthermore, said Tito, he has set a reward for each region that is good in terms of recording its e-KTP and also a penalty if their assessment is not good.

According to Tito, he could impose sanctions on the head of the dukcapil office because their position was semi-vertical.

Although the position of head of service is elected and proposed by the regional head and under the command structure of the Regional Head. But they were appointed, based on a letter signed by the Minister of Home Affairs.

"Do not hesitate, we will give punishment. So we have conveyed to all heads of dukcapil offices to work optimally to accommodate as much as possible. Now, we already have the data, which areas are not yet optimal," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

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