BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency, West Java (West Java) announced that as many as 22 of the 40 sub-districts in the area have the potential for medium to high land shifts.

"Of the 40 sub-districts in Bogor Regency, four sub-districts have medium potential, 22 sub-districts have the potential for medium to high-level land shifts," said the Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD Bogor Regency, Aris Nurjatmiko in Cibinong, Bogor, Monday, September 19.

These sub-districts are Babakanmadang, Bojonggede, Cariu, Ciawi, Cibinong, Cigudeg, Cileungsi, Cisarua, Citeureup, Gunungsindur, Jasinga, Jonggol, Klapanunggal, Leuwisadeng, Megamendung, Nanggung, Parung, Sukajaya, Sukamakmur, Sukaraja, Tajurhalang, and Tanjungsari.

In addition, he also noted that there are 14 sub-districts that have the potential for medium to high land shifts accompanied by flash floods or the flow of debris.

"The flow of debris or debris flow is a phenomenon where a mixture of water, mud, and gravel flows at high speed carried away by flood flows," said Aris.


According to him, the data was obtained by BPBD from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation. The data is a general description of the potential for land shifts from August-September 2022.

However, this condition is considered to be better than the previous months, because there is a reduction in several areas that have a high potential for landslides.

Aris appealed to Bogor residents to always look at the ground movement map that BPBD uploads regularly on Instagram through the official Bogor Regency BPBD account named @bpbdkabbogor.

"For areas that have this potential, always be ready to face disasters. Prepare a disaster alert bag so that they are always responsive in dealing with disasters that come suddenly," he said.

Previously, the landslide disaster occurred in Bojongkoneng Village, Babakanmadang District, Bogor Regency on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

The landslide disaster caused damage to at least 23 buildings and a one kilometer section of the road. There were 24 residents who were displaced due to land shifts that occurred in Bojongkoneng Village.

"From this incident, 20 families were affected, then the currently threatened are 177 families from two RWs with a total population of 589 people," said Aris.

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