JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert Bivitri Susanti emphasized that there is no urgent need to revive the Principles of State Policy (PPHN) through a constitutional convention. "There is no need to make a PPHN. However, if the fear is the ideology of the nation, of course there is the Constitution of '45 and Pancasila and that is good," he said in a seminar. The authority of the MPR RI after the amendment to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in the formation of the PPHN at the MPR/DPR/DPD RI Building, Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, September 15. The seminar was held by the Golkar Party faction of the MPR attended by spokesman for constitutional law expert Bivitri Susanti and expert on constitutional law from Gajah Mada University Zainal Arifin Mochtar. The plan for the presence of PPHN through a constitutional convention as recommended by the MPR is said to be damaging the state administration system. "So, I see it, this is the MPR's only will, to take back its political power which had been returned to the people in the 1999-2002 amendment. Because the MPR only exists if the DPR and DPD convene, not their own institution as before. So, this is the wrong head because the political elite wants it," he explained. Bivitri said that PPHN is not important to be included in the constitution because Indonesia already has a National Development Planning System Law. He stated that the Indonesian people already have the National Development Planning System Law which has regulated the Long Jangkat Development Plan (RPJ), Medium RPJ, and Good Short RPJ from the formulation and control aspects. "That there are still things that are not in harmony, errors are not in the documents, but in the implementation," he asserted. Meanwhile, UGM legal expert Zainal Arifin Mochtar assessed that the MPR could no longer make PPHN because of its current position. "The amendment to the 1945 Constitution made extraordinary changes, including the People's Consultative Assembly's authority, from institutional sovereignty to constitutional sovereignty," he said. Zainal said that the MPR was no longer considered a representative of the people because there was already a DPR and DPD. "I think the MPR is no longer the executor of the people. So, in what capacity does the MPR make PPHN? Moreover, the candidate for president of the campaign itself is useless if the president follows the direction of parliament because he has his own vision and mission," he said. He assessed that the birth of the PPHN even has the potential to damage the presidential system that is currently under construction. "If the PPHN comes to other institutions and interferes with it, I will refuse it. We already use the presidential system. If we use the previous system, I agree that there was a PPHN because in the past the president was elected by the MPR. This is considering the semiparliamentary system first," he said.

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