JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) is close to completing the National Children's Immunization Month (BIAN) campaign to ensure that children in DKI Jakarta get their rights in the form of additional immunization of the Rubella Campak.

The BIAN campaign began in early August 2022 and will end in September 2022. The achievement of immunization is currently increasing rapidly from the previous 16 percent of the target in mid-August 2022.

"At the end of the National Children's Immunization Month, it has reached 97.7 percent of the target for children aged 9 to 59 months," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Office Widyastuti in a statement, Thursday, September 15.

WIdyastuti explained, during the BIAN campaign, the DKI Provincial Government opened additional immunization services for 24 hours. This is done to reach parents who work in the morning, so that they can still take their children to get immunized after finishing work.

"In addition, the DKI Jakarta Government has also consistently adopted an approach taken during the COVID-19 vaccination, namely immunizing public places such as RPTRA and malls in DKI Jakarta," he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health stated that BIAN in 2022 has a target of pursuing basic immunization coverage for children who are left behind during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"After COVID-19 starts to subside, we start chasing vaccines for children, namely basic vaccines and those that are mandatory for children," said Ministry of Health Spokesperson Mohammad Syahril.

With the holding of BIAN 2022, it is hoped that it can pursue the basic immunization target of the child whose party has set it.

BIAN itself is being carried out divided into two stages. Phase I was carried out in May, and focused outside Java, and phase II in August, the service was focused on Java-Bali.

In basic immunizations, Syahril revealed that the government is pursuing coverage of vaccines such as rubellakales targeting the age of nine to 59 months and immunization of chases for children aged 12 to 59 months who are incomplete, such as the immunization of OPV, IPV, and DPT-HB-Hib.

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