JAKARTA - Former BA Roprovos Divpropam Polri Brigadier Frillyan Fitri Rosadi was sentenced to 2 years of demotion due to unprofessionalism on duty. It was later revealed that he played a role in obstructing and intimidating journalists during the coverage process of the murder of Brigadier J. "He (Brigadir Frilliyan, ed) took the media crew's cellphone while covering it," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Wednesday, September 14. In addition, this loyalist Ferdy Sambo turned out to be with Bharada Sadam to take the cellphones of two journalists. They deleted photos and videos depicting the condition of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's official residence in Duren Tiga. With this action, Frillyan is considered to have violated the Police code of ethics regulated in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b and letter c of Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Police Ethics Commission and the Police Professional Commission. Meanwhile, Bharada Sadam, who is the driver of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, was also declared to have violated the same article. However, based on the results of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial, Bharada Sadam was only sentenced to a 1 year demonstration. "The mutation administration sanctions are demotional for 1 year," said KKEP deputy chairman Rachmat Pamudji. For information, apart from Bharada Sadam and Brigadier Frillyan Fitri Rosadi, the Police have heard three members. They include AKP Dyah Chandrawati, AKBP Pujiyarto, and AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagia. AKP Dyah Chandrawati was sentenced to a demonstration, AKBP Pujiyarto was sanctioned for 28 days, while AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian was sentenced to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH).

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