JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Retno Listyarti views that the manager of the Darussalam Modern Gontor Islamic Boarding School must also be responsible for the death of santri AM (17) who was persecuted by senior students.

Because, said Retno, cases of violence that led to death occurred in an educational environment and involved students at the Gontor Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes). Therefore, accountability for this cannot only be delegated to the students of the perpetrators.

"Seharusnya tidak semua dihubuhkan kepada anak-anak pelaku. Pihak ponpes harus bertanggung jawab karena tindakan kekerasan terjadi diduga kuat akibat keleaknya sistem pengawasan ponpes," kata Retno dalam keterangannya, Minggu, 11 September.

Retno emphasized that if the Gontor Islamic Boarding School has a strict monitoring system on its students, then this persecution case is unlikely.

So, he views that the Islamic boarding school supervision system also needs to be evaluated. Considering that Islamic boarding school management generally uses senior students to carry out routine surveillance, especially when the number of students is very large.

Has there been a warning so far when the senior students in charge of supervising junior students commit violence, such as verbal violence or physical violence. Is there a provision at the Islamic boarding school that it is not allowed to commit violence for any reason, including in the name of disciplining? said Retno.

Furthermore, Retno also encouraged the Indonesian Ministry of Religion to immediately make regulations at the level of the Minister of Religion Regulation regarding the prevention and control of acts of violence within Madrasah and Islamic boarding schools.

"Child protection begins with building a prevention system. Ponpes needs to be 'forced' through state regulations to build correct and precise complaint systems and monitoring systems to protect children while in the educational unit environment," he explained.

As is known, the case of alleged abuse that resulted in the death of one of the students of the Gontor Ponorogo Islamic boarding school, Albar Mahdi, became the attention of the wider community.

Based on information, the victim who was tortured to death by senior students was strongly suspected of being related to camping activities. This persecution allegedly used a stick. The victim's family believed there was a blow to the victim's neck because the victim's head could not be enforced.

The police were also required to immediately uncover this case and identify the suspect. Ponorogo Police Chief AKBP Catur Cahyono said that from the autopsy results from the forensic team, a blunt object was obtained from the victim's body.

But whether it was the cause of death of the victim, his party did not provide an explanation, because it would only be explained by experts. "For whether the wound is the cause of death, let the expert convey it," said Catur.

In addition, an autopsy has been carried out on the bodies of the students who died allegedly being abused, by the South Sumatra Police forensic team for six hours. The results of the autopsy are very important for the fulfillment of the material for the investigation process to the next stage.

From the results of the crime scene and pre-reconstruction conducted by the Ponorogo Police Satreskrim team. Several pieces of evidence were found that were allegedly used in the incident of persecution.

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