JAKARTA - Five members of the National Police have finished undergoing a special determination period (Patsus) related to unprofessional ethical violations in handling the murder case of Brigadier J.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the members of the National Police who had completed the special committee returned to duty at the Headquarters Service (Yanma) according to the transfer telegram he received.

"If I'm not mistaken, someone has finished (implementing), except for the suspect in a criminal act, he has been legally detained," said Dedi, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 10.

A total of 18 members of the National Police underwent special placement sanctions from 35 suspected violators. Of that number, seven people with the status of suspects obstructed the investigation of Brigadier J, and three people with the status of suspects in the murder of Brigadier J.

Those with the status of suspects are detained, while those who commit ethical violations are specifically placed at the Mako Brimob and the Provos Police Headquarters.

Dedi said that the five members of the National Police who finished carrying out the Patsus and returned to duty as members of Yanma under strict supervision.

"It is placed in accordance with the decision (mutasi) in Yanma so that it is under Yanma and Propam supervision every day monitored," said Dedi.

The details of the members of the National Police who finished serving the Patsus at Brimob were Brigadier General Benny Ali, his status was free and still waiting for an ethics trial. Then released from the Provost Patsus, namely AKBP Ari Cahya Nugraha, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, AKP Rifaizal Samual. All three are waiting their turn for an ethics trial.

Another member who finished carrying out the Patsus in Provos was AKBP Pujiyarto, who had just been sentenced to an ethics trial this afternoon, was sanctioned by the Patsus for 28 days from August 12 to September 9.

Meanwhile, members of the National Police who are still undergoing special placement in the Brimob Police, namely AKBP Jerry Raymond who is currently undergoing an ethics trial on September 9, 2022. Then, Kombes Susanto, and AKBP Budhi Herdi Susianto.

Another member of the National Police who is still undergoing Patsus at the Provos Headquarters of the National Police, namely AKBP Handik Zusen, AKBP Raindra Ramadhan Syah.

Adapun yang berstatus tersangka Pasal 340 KUHP subsider Pasal 338 juncto Pasal 55 dan Pasal 56 KUHP menjalani penahan di Mako Brimob, yakni Irjen Pol. Ferdy Sambo.

Then the suspect related to obstructing the investigation into the Brigadier J or obstruction of justice case who was detained at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, namely Brigadier General Pol. Hendra Kurniawan, Kombes Pol Agus Nur Patria.

Then Kompol Chuck Putranto, Kompol Baiquni Wibowo, AKBP Arif Rahman Arifin, AKP Irfan Widyanto and Kompol Abdul Rahim were detained at the Provos Propam Police Headquarters regarding the obstruction of justice.

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