JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) explained that a number of corrupt behaviors often appear on campus. Starting from being absent until misappropriation of student admissions turned out to be one of the seeds of corruption.

This was conveyed by the Head of the KPK Public Relations Bureau, Yuyuk Andriati Iskak, while attending a public lecture at Panca Bhakti University, Pontianak, Friday, September 9.

"Corrupt behavior in fact also appears in the world of campus learning, such as cheating, entrusting attendance, plagiarism, fake proposals, gratification to lecturers, mark-up of book money, misuse of scholarships, to misappropriation of new student admissions," Yuyuk said as quoted from his written statement, Friday, September 9.

This condition makes the KPK assess the need for an anti-corruption occupation to be applied in the campus environment. Because, not all universities have implemented it.

Yuyuk said that of the 4,593 campuses, only 32.2 percent or around 1,479 anti-corruption education campuses. While the rest is not yet.

"KPK hopes that this number will continue to increase in order to create campuses throughout Indonesia that are anti-corruption cultured," he said.

Furthermore, Yuyuk reminded that building a culture of corruption in the campus environment is in line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Campus is expected to play a role through many things, including improving governance and becoming a center for anti-corruption studies.

"Building an anti-corruption culture in the campus environment is in line with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education," he said.

"Through education, campuses can insert anti-corruption education, training, and regeneration. Through research, campuses can form study centers, improve governance, and other anti-corruption innovations. Through dedication, campuses can carry out anti-corruption thematic KKN by going directly to the community," concluded Yuyuk.

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