JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has given his blessing for the transition of Joe Biden's government. Trump has ordered his subordinates to begin the transition process. Even so, Trump stated that the US election lawsuit process last November 3 continued.

"Our lawsuit will continue. We will fight it out. I am sure we will win. However, for the good of this country, I recommend that Emily and her team do everything that has to be done to initiate a transitional protocol. And I tell the whole team. me to do the same, "Trump tweeted, quoted Tuesday, November 24.

Reported by the Associated Press, Trump's order was immediately followed by a General Service Administration (GSA) decision. GSA chief Emily Murphy said she would immediately begin the transition process.

"I took this decision independently, based on law and facts. I have never been pressured directly or indirectly by any executive officer, including those in the White House or GSA, regarding the timing of my decision," Murphy wrote in a letter sent to Biden.

The decision paved the way for Biden for the process of transitioning the US federal government until his inauguration on January 20, 2021. While waiting for his inauguration, Biden is allowed to coordinate with all state institutions.

According to sources, the decision to initiate the transition process was made by Murphy after Trump's attempts to challenge the vote count in several states failed. Finally, in Michigan, the local election commission declared Biden's vote over Trump in the state legitimate.

Furthermore, the authority is given to Murphy to disburse the budget for the training, orientation, and various other costs in the process of government transition.

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