JAKARTA - The impact of the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM) has begun to be felt by vegetable transport drivers at Kramat Jati Main Market, East Jakarta. The increase in the price of Pertalite type fuel has reduced the drivers' income drastically.

The reason is, the drivers are in a dilemma when their transportation does not get a fee payment that is in accordance with the increase in fuel prices. The drivers also do not want to increase the transportation rate even though the driver is burdened with expenses.

"With the current increase in fuel prices, the cost of picking up vegetables must be an increase, so that it is comparable to our expenses," said Bayu, one of the vegetable transport drivers at Kramat Jati Market, East Jakarta, Monday, September 5.

Bayu explained, usually in every time we take vegetables from Kramat Jati Market to the Tanah Tinggi area, Bayu gives a tariff of IDR 500 thousand for delivery. When there is an increase in fuel, he is forced to set a price of IDR 550 thousand for delivery.

"The tariff for an increase of IDR 50 thousand has started to feel from our filling pertalite, which usually gets a lot of IDR 100 thousand, now it's only 10 liters. We have to add another 25 percent (buy gasoline)," he said.

Rafles Silaban said the same thing, one of the other public transport drivers at Kramat Jati Main Market. Rafles admitted that the impact of the increase in fuel prices would have an impact.

"The impact is that we will reduce our income, then the traders don't necessarily want to increase the cost. Maybe the traders are not used to raising costs and slowly start to understand later," he said.

The impact is felt from the increase in fuel prices, continued Rafles, more on his expenses.

"For example, usually charge 67 thousand fuel per 10 liters, but now it's 100 thousand. But the income is the same, currently the price is still normal but our expenses (drivers) are increasing," he said.

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