JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was furious when he heard the story of an elementary school (SD) student who claimed to be asked for a levy. Initially the student called the levy a fee (school) when Ganjar Pranowo asked about it.

"Where is the school? The school pays not there?" asked Ganjar Pranowo as quoted from his personal Instagram account. The scene took place when he was in the crowd of elementary school students.

"Bayarr... answered all the children simultaneously. Suddenly, by hearing the answers of the elementary school children, Ganjar Pranowo looked surprised and angry with the high-speed dragon.

The head of the school at the location tried to straighten out the children's answer. The principal said and termed the levy his students meant was the infaq.

However, the answer was the reason that Ganjar Pranowo could not accept it. In fact, he wanted to fire the principal if the school was under the province, not the district.

I always get reports that schools are free but pay, sir. You are under the district, if under the province, now you don't execute bro," said Ganjar Pranowo.

The elementary school students also told them about the levies the school had billed them. The levies collected ranged from Rp. 25 thousand to Rp. 30 thousand.

For the governor, there is no such thing as an infaq for schools. For him, free no more fees are charged to students.

"What infaq, don't pay is the point. Don't give it another name. Don't pay for the tuition but pay for the infaq, no. It's free to be tis, that's if it doesn't become extortion. Don't pay, but the infaq is bigger considering the tuition, it's not allowed," he said.

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