JAKARTA - The results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) show that most people want Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to be sentenced to the maximum sentence for the premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

From the results of the survey, LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan said as many as 77.1 percent of respondents admitted to following the course of the case that drew public attention. As many as 50.3 percent of those who knew about the case, said Djayadi, answered that the most appropriate punishment for the perpetrators, including Ferdy Sambo, was the death penalty.

Meanwhile, continued Djayadi, as many as 37 percent of those who knew about the case answered that they wanted the perpetrator to be sentenced to life in prison.

"So people think that they should be punished severely", Djayadi said in an online broadcast on the Indonesian Survey Institute's YouTube, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 31.

As many as 67 percent of the respondents who knew about the case stated that they believed that the police would solve the case of Brigadier J's death. Where 61.5 percent of the public knew that the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the police would thoroughly investigate the case of Brigadier J in an objective, transparent, and accountable with scientific evidence.

In addition, as many as 72.6 people also know in general that President Joko Widodo is paying special attention to the case of Brigadier J. And, said Djayadi, in line with that the public agrees or believes in the president's statement.

"So there is support from the community for the National Police Chief and the President to order the Police to complete this case completely", said Djayadi.

Then as many as 50.5 percent of respondents knew that the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit had formed a special team (Timsus) to investigate the case, while 49.5 percent did not know about it.

Among those who knew, said Djayadi, most of the respondents, namely 65.3 percent, believed that Timsus would assist the National Police Chief in resolving the case of Brigadier J's death in an objective and transparent manner.

Djayadi said that respondents were also asked about the version of the story of the death of Brigadier J. As a result, the majority of the people believed the police version of the story in general rather than the version the suspect disclosed.

"Only 17 percent of the public believe in the version of the main suspect in this case. In other words, once again we can say that public support is more focused on the police steps that are being taken", he said.

The survey from LSI on August 13 to 21, 2022 was conducted with a survey population consisting of Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote in elections, namely those who are 17 years old or older, or already married when the survey was conducted.

Sampling was carried out using the multistage random sampling method which was followed by 1,200 respondents. Interviews were conducted face-to-face, with a margin of error of approximately 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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