YOGYAKARTA - Premeditated murder is included in the category of serious or cruel crimes. Premeditated murder is a crime of killing or killing other human lives by planning it first. The perpetrators are charged with premeditated murder or Article 340 of the Criminal Code.

An example of the use of premeditated murder is in the case of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. In this case, Ferdy Sambo was named a suspect along with his wife and several aides. The premeditated murder involved five people as suspects.

In Huku, premeditated murder is the most serious type of murder. The five perpetrators of crimes in the case of the death of Brigadier J were charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code with the threat of death penalty. So what is the content and information in the article on premeditated murder?

The perpetrators of premeditated murder can receive a criminal sentence in the form of the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a maximum sentence of 20 years. Here are the articles governing it:

Article 340 of the Criminal Code:

"Whoever deliberately and with a plan first takes another person's life, is threatened, because of premeditated murder (Hund), with the death penalty or life imprisonment or for a certain period of time, a maximum of twenty years."

In addition to Article 340KUHP, there are also other articles that contain rules regarding the crime of premeditated murder. The articles are Article 338, Article 55, and Article 56 of the Criminal Code. The following is the contents.

Article 338 of the Criminal Code:

"Whoever deliberately takes another person's life is threatened with murder with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years."

Article 55 of the Criminal Code:

Article 56 of the Criminal Code:

Sentenced as a crime assistant:

Article 340 of the Criminal Code regulates premeditated crime. There is an element of a plan in murder as the key or main requirement.

An act of murder is categorized as planning if it meets the requirements of the plan, as follows:

That was the explanation regarding the article on premeditated murder or Article 340 of the Criminal Code. The heaviest punishment from this article is that the perpetrators can be sentenced to death. However, the final verdict decision handed down was decided in court.

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