YOGYAKARTA Reconstruction plays an important role in criminal cases. In general, the purpose of reconstruction is related to the disclosure of legal cases, so it is very common to do to strengthen the evidence obtained related to the crime of murder by the suspect.

For more details, the following are understanding, goals, legal grounds, to examples that occur in Indonesia taken from various sources.

Understanding and Goals of Reconstruction

In KBBI, reconstruction has two meanings, first is the return as before, the second is the preparation (image) again.

Reporting from Online Law, reconstruction is one of the techniques in the method of examining a criminal case carried out by investigators in the investigation process.

The implementation of the reconstruction is based on the Decree of the National Police Chief Number Pol.Skep/1205/IX/2000. In part Chapter III concerning implementation, number 8.3.d, it is said that there are four methods of examination, namely interview, interrogation, confrontation, and reconstruction.

Meanwhile, in the context of murder cases, reconstruction was carried out to describe the seconds of the murder by involving the alleged perpetrators of the murder and the victim. Reconstructions were held at the crime scene (TKP). In addition, officers also took photos in each demonstration for documentation purposes.

While the purpose of reconstruction is more or less as follows.

Although the reconstruction involved the suspect, M. Yahya Harahap in his book entitled Discussion of Problems and Application of the Criminal Procedure Code for Investigation and Prosecution stated that the reconstruction was held with respect to the rights of suspects as human beings.

The suspect must be placed in a human position that has the essence of dignity. He must be judged as a subject, not an object. The person being examined is not a human suspect. The crime he committed was the object of examination. The direction of the crime committed by the examination is aimed at. The suspect must be considered innocent, in accordance with the presumption of innocence until a court decision has permanent force," quoted from online.com law, August 30.

Examples of Criminal Case Reconstruction in Indonesia

As previously mentioned, reconstruction is one method to investigate criminal cases. In Indonesia, there are many cases that use this method, one of the latest examples is the murder case of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat at the residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

In this case, the reconstruction refers to the meaning of the preparation of events when criminal cases are carried out. Thus, investigators will try to explore the chronology of events to the facts revealed by both the suspect and witnesses.

The reconstruction of Brigadier J's murder was held at Fredy Sambo's two homes on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. During the reconstruction, the police presented Richard totaling alias Bharada E who was a suspect in the case. Not only that, Bharada E's security was also guaranteed by officers so that he could freely follow the reconstruction of the incident.

The reconstruction is planned to be attended by several parties, ranging from investigators, public prosecutors, even the five suspects who were accompanied by their respective lawyers.

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) and the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) are also expected to be present to oversee the scene.

In addition to the purpose of reconstruction and its understanding, get complete information about the Fredy Sambo case at VOI.ID.

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