JAKARTA - Love you, a song written by Bebi Romeo and popularized for the first time by Kris Dayanti in 2000, was presented in the latest version by Mahalini and Andi Rianto, to be used as the soundtrack for the film 2nd Miracle in Cell No.7.

Mahalini called her involvement in this soundtrack so suddenly. However, she was honored to sing a song for a film she knew the story to be.

"Incidentally, this is a very impromptu project, so it's only been exploited for four days," Mahalini told the media crew at Pondok Indah, South Jakarta recently.

"And this is also an honor for me to fill the soundtrack of this film, because I also watched the first film," he continued.

The 24-year-old singer also told how the recording process took place. Even though in a relatively short time, he had asked for a re-recording of his vocals. He wants the results that come out to be as good as possible.

"Because at that time it was really sudden, I asked for another recording. Because at that time he used the other version, then I said, 'this film I really like, so I want to record first'," he said.

For Mahalini, the recording process for this song has become special. To be able to enjoy the song well, he imagined the figure of his late mother. This memory made him so emotional.

"So, at that time I was more into thinking about my mother. This film is about the absence of parents who are no longer beside us, so when I recorded, apart from thinking about this film, I also thought about what it would be like without a mother," he said.

"This song has lyrics 'observed means', so my memory really means a lot to my mother. Then I finally put it down to the song," he added.

For information, the film '2nd Miracle in Cell No.7' tells the story of Kartika's life (Graciella Abigail) after her father, Dodo Rozak (Vino G. Bastian) was sentenced to death for his case.

Kartika also found a diary book written by her late mother, Juwita (Marsha Timothy) about the journey of her love story with Dodo.

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